The principal's office

Eric's eyes scanned the room thoroughly with a look of indifference. The air around the class was thick and it was as though they were feasting their eyes on something scandalous.

He heaved a tired sigh and his eyes finally landed on the teacher. " I'm sorry, Miss Ann. Something important came up, that's the reason I came to the class a little late today. "

As little Eric spoke, his soft voice filled the room, captivating the attention of everyone present.

The gentle tone of his voice was like that of a soothing melody that resonated deeply, leaving a lasting impression on the others.

Miss Ann was taken aback by the boy's poised demeanor, her eyes widening in surprise as she struggled to swallow hard. He was Eric Gray after all.

The boy's deep blue eyes, sparkling with the slightest hint of emotion, seemed to hold a wisdom beyond his years. His hands, casually tucked into his pockets, belied the confidence and authority with which he spoke.

It was as if he possessed an aura of quiet power, an unassuming yet compelling presence that screamed attention.

Of course Diane was the only one in the room who looked unmoved. Why is everyone so silent? She huffed.

The contrast between his Little appearance and his composed, almost mature, behavior was striking.

His soft voice, in particular, seemed to carry an unexpected weight, making his words hang in the air. Didn't he realize how late he was? Diane facepalmed herself, and rolled her eyes. The room was entranced, with all eyes fixed on the Eric, as if mesmerized by the subtle intensity of his gaze.

Miss Ann's reaction was evidence to the boy's remarkable presence. " Y-you! " She stuttered and avoided looking at his face directly. How could this little boy have effect on someone like her?

Miss Ann was a new teacher at Malevolent Academy, Although most students already know her by name since the orientation. This was the first time she'd come across this kid since she's been teaching one week ago. " W-what is your name?" She lifted her jaw and her expression became serious once more... Of course she was still puzzled.

Eric tilted his head to the side... This habit of his that many find adorable whenever he does, and Miss Ann was no exception. Some students stared at her with a stupefied expression. ''_"??? How could she possibly not know the lower grade class twins?

" My name is Eric, ma'am. Eric Gray. " He answered.

" Oh? " Miss Ann's eyes widened just a little, a subtle yet telling reaction, as she gazed at the little boy standing before her. She had heard the whispers in the staff room, the hushed conversations among her colleagues about this exceptional student.

They spoke of his brilliance, his uncanny ability to grasp complex concepts with ease, and his quiet confidence that belied his tender age.

As she looked into his deep blue eyes, she saw a glimmer of the extraordinary potential that others had spoken of. His soft voice, though gentle, carried an authority that was hard to ignore. Miss Ann's slight widening of the eyes was a silent acknowledgment of the boy's remarkable presence, a silent nod to the rumors that had preceded him. Could his parents be some kind of hot shot?

" Why are you late to my class, young man?"

She tried to sound serious so he wouldn't notice that he had an effect on her, this taking advantage of it. But her face was against it all as it was already partially red.

" I was taken to the principal's office on my way to the restroom. " He replied with the same unwavering attitude. He didn't mean to be rude though. That was a way of him showing respect.

" I-i see... O-okay then, go and have your s-seat. " She fumbled with her professional tone as she spoke. Just who were his parents?

She adjusted her hair and turned to face the entire class as Eric found an empty corner at the back to sit right next to a boy the same age as him.

Miss Ann was about to continue teaching when she frowned. " Does Eric Gray have any bad records in the school?" She asked looking a bit stupefied.

They all shook their head negatively at her question, meanwhile they were all wondering why he was called to the principal's office.

" Then he must have been called into his office for a good cause, right?" She smiled at him, clearly trying to gain his favour.

Eric stared back at her silently praying for her to stop. " So Eric, mind sharing with us the reason you were called into the principal's office?''

Eric tapped his fingers against his desk nervously. He didn't want anyone in class to know or else they might all seem okay with it on the outside, but might hate him... Especially Diane.

" No, I don't want to. " He replied simply causing Miss Ann to Let out an embarrassed chuckle.

" Oh, okay then. " She smiled at him. " The class will now commence. "

Later during resses hours Diane got up from her seat and walked over towards her brother with a smug look. " Bam bam bam!" She said in her adorable and tiny tone. " You're going to tell me what happened, right?" She wiggled her brows playfully.

Eric who was buried in his textbook suddenly raised his head. " Nah."

" Whaaaaaat!" Diane's eyes bulged so hard that they threatened to fall out of their sockets. " Baam baam baam!" She shook her head with a smug grin.

" Yes, I won't. " He smiled at her gently.A sight only her gets to witness. He's very introverted and only comfortable with his sister, mother, their female bodyguard and their nanny. To everyone he was cold and rude, meanwhile to him he was maintaining his lane and being respectful.

" Arck! " She giggled and winked. " I get it, you want to reveal it to me when we get home, right?" Eric finally dropped his textbook, but before he could utter a word , someone came from behind and pushed Diane.