Eric cried!

The man's towering height was imposing, yet strangely captivating, making him impossible to ignore. His golden brown eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief, gleaming with a playful intensity that was both intriguing and intimidating. As he gazed at Regina, his eyes crinkled at the corners, hinting at a warm smile that was both captivating and unnerving.

The woman's eyes were still widened in shock s she stared at the man with suprisea etched on her face. What in the world?!

" Hi, I'm Robert Kendrick. Nice to meet you, Mrs Gray." He stretched his hands towards Regina who was already typing away on her phone. She looked up to meet his polite gesture. She sighed and rolled her eyes. " Get lost, ken." She sighed and continued to type away on her phone. " I'm busy."

What the fudge just happened?????????????

Everyone paused for a moment in surprise. What did she just say to the man? If it weren't for the look on the others face neither of them would have believed what they'd just heard.

Robert Kendrick wasn't a small deal in the business world, he was a well respected gentlemen and was known to be as cold as ice. His status of riches were just on another level from the Ednar's.

Regina on the other hand typed away on her phone continuously. Her eyes were unwavering as she heaved a sigh. It was like everyone in the room suddenly came to a pause for her to finish typing.

She rested her back against the chair she was sitting on with a slight look of relief which disappeared almost instantly.

" Ma'am! Have some respect. Do you know who you just…"

" You're fired." Regina said with the kindest smile etched on her face.

" You must be Panelope Morgan, right?" She smiled.

The woman couldn't believe her eyes. What in the world is happening?? Even Britney was speechless. Her eyes Glued onto the man who was in front of them. She was surprised by the familiarity between them. Was her mind playing tricks on her? How is it possible?

The woman stood still like a frozen statue after hearing her name. She then scoffed and was about to speak when she received an email from the school's board. It was a sack letter. She wasn't no longer a teacher of the school as from that minute onward. The message indicated that she'd offended an extremely prescious individual in the society.

Judging from her reaction from when she received the email, it was clear that Regina was serious. Did she have that much power or was she using the influence of Mr Kendrick?

Questions began to surge from within the onlookers mind as they witnessed the scene.

" This is outrageous! I can not accept this!" She suddenly switched froms her smug and cold personality to an uncontrollable demon. She started to walk loudly. Her entire life was ruined! She nearly lost her mind after reading the message again.

Two security men walked in to escort her out.

" Better believe it." Kendrick chuckled mischievously. " You messed with the wrong person, 'panelope' " he sneered.

Kendrick had also come to school for his son… being the first time though. He was also part of the special VIP guests. His name was part of the customized. He Noticed an old friend being troubled and decided to interfere, but it seemed she completely handled it.

Britney wouldn't just give up like that. She needed to teach this woman a lesson. Her children dared

to bully her precious daughter! They are so I'll mannered just like their mother… or she just wanted to flaunt her power, and didn't want to appear inferior next to her after this disgrace.

" You're such a shameless woman, Miss Gray!" She started with a frown on her face, and shook her head. " So just because you have the power from a man that isn't even your husband, you decided to misuse it?" She smirked.

From the kid's section, the commotion could be fully heard as the grand room's attention was totally focused on them. Eric's heart skipped a beat and his eyes twisted. It was his fault for bringing his mother, now she was getting bullied all because of him. When he heard the woman's harsh words angry tears formed in his eyes.

Victoria got up from her seat and quickly ran over to him with a triumphant smile. She stretched her hands towards him, handing him a napkin. " D-don't cry, here take this."

Eric balled his fists hard and his gaze was glued to his table. He tried to hold back his tears, but it all came pouring out. " Why did you do that?" He asked through gritted teeth.

It was very rear to see an emotion on the little boy's face. The Grays were indeed surprising everyone today. First, their mother came and now a whole Eric was crying?

The other students felt their heart melt at the sight. "Vicky's mommy was so cruel! She knew that their mommy weak and yet she was still bullying her! That's not nice." Someone from amongst the children spoke pitiying Eric.

" Yes, Diane told us that their daddy never stayed with them, I'm sure Vicky told her mommy." Another boy spoke up looking sad.

Eric hated the look of pity on their faces after he raised his head up.

The other Children glared at Victoria looking forward to comforting the twins.

" What did I do?" Victoria asked as her tiny voice broke.

" You probably went home to report to your mother about what happened, making her hold such a grudge against my own mother." Eric took out his own napkin and whipped the tears off his face. " Stay away from me, before you regret ever coming to this school, Victoria."

The little girl was stunned. Her eyes widened in disbelief…

Eric turned to check for the reason why Diane had been awfully silent. His eyes quickly navigated her and saw her heading straight towards the parents section.