Souls transfer...a Demon!

"I'm…let's say, the coordinator of good and evil in this world. And the evil in this world is too much than good so to make it balanced or the goodness more than the evil, I devised this plan." The being explained, all the while with Aiden looking lost.

"Now, don't let us waste time. You all have to wake up back at the same time. Come, choose a system from this box." He motioned for Aiden to come forward which he did.

"So you killed us all just to revive us back?" Aiden asked as he dipped his hand into the box.

His hand met with different particles in the box. Wet, dry, solid, paper, nothing… and all. At the end, he chose nothing, rather not nothing but something that appeared to be void but isn't.

"I think I caught something but isn't sure if it's something." Aiden said, trying to make sure it's not just his imagination.

"You caught nothing," the being replied with a knowing smile on his face.

"And? Is that something good?" Aiden asked as he wasn't sure what the being meant. 

"Just bring it out and let's see what you got."

"Alright, got it," Aiden said and brought his hand out of the box.

Swirling in his hand was black smoke. "No wonder it was nothing, I can't touch or feel smoke."

Aiden nodded his head in thoughts as he muttered looking at it. "So, what will I do with it?"

"This is your ticket to keep your life in the world. This will go and merge into your body. Congratulations on choosing The Evil Evolution System — your purpose now in the world is to cause evil and chaos in the life of chosen individuals. Don't worry, your evil is for the greater good of the world." The being announced and as he said it, the smoke flew towards Aiden and entered his body through his head.

"Chao…evil..good," those were the words that Aiden thought about before everything blacked out again.

Aiden woke up abruptly on his bed. How he got there was a mystery. First, he had been in his new car driving towards the school gate, then a floating place and now his room. How did he get there? He thought as he moved his face round the room.

"Right…the being," Aiden muttered, removing the cover from his body and getting out of bed.

He walked to his mirror and what he saw amazed him. He was totally different, he had changed. His blonde hair was red, his eyes red, his teeth now housed fangs and as he looked on he saw that his ears were also transforming.

He was changing!

"Does this mean that all the stuff he was saying is real? That it wasn't a dream?" Aiden muttered as he stared at his new appearance with an unreadable expression.

He stood there for a while, his hands on his chin in deep thoughts. Finally, a robotic voice managed to bring him out of his thoughts, startling him.

[System: Yes host. You chose The Evil Evolution System, which automatically changed your race to that of a demon. Please wait, your details will be ready soon after your transformation]

"Wow…" he voiced, still trying to piece it all together.

"Come to think of it, if it's true that I'm now a demon, it will be easier for me to rule the underworld as I'll ignite fear in people without doing anything," he muttered with a huge grin plastered on his face.

He got entangled with the underworld because he wanted to be known as one of the fearless and brutal Lords of all time.. When people hear his name, he wanted fear to be embedded in their heart.

And now his plan will just work perfectly with this demon race. He was ecstatic that he rejoiced, jumping around his room until the door to his room abruptly opened, startling him.

As he tried to maintain his balance, it was futile and he met head first with the mirror and finally the dressing mirror. His world blacked out again.

_Present day-New Aiden.

In the room, Mr and Mrs Smith had already left Aiden to figure out every other thing himself.

[Host, that is basically the memories I can get of you.

Your previous details are;

Name: Aiden Smith

Career: Model, actor.

Race: Human

Evil contribution: 55%

Grade: Beginner

Skills: Null

Abilities: Null]

[And your current details read…]

The system was about reading when Aiden stopped him.

"Wait…I still don't think I'm this Aiden." He said, looking scared and lost.

[System: What memory of yourself do you remember? And this Aiden?"]

Aiden responded softly, "You see…I think I've come from another country. This might be my last self. I might sound stupid now but I've played a lot of video games, watched a lot of anime and coupled with the world purge and system shit that happened, I believe this shit."

"I might have entered his body because I lost my body in my own self but my soul didn't spoil and it seems Aiden lost his. I recall being in Canada and given the Incubus system. I'm not sure how to carry out the task and today I had to be crushed by two trucks in an accident. So unfortunate," the new Aiden ranted on as he explained his plight.

[System: That's new additional information. My creator probably swapped you as there was a way to save one person which was your soul. Sorry for the loss of your body but if you don't want to lose your soul now, you need to act fast and do your monthly task!]

"Right, I've got to do tasks here again. Hope it's not an evil generating task. I'm a very good citizen and won't cause any harm to my world," Aiden said dejectedly.

It could be said that one of the reasons he died in his previous body was because he was conflicted about the fact that he was given an evil generating system. He wanted to kill himself and he got it the hard way. He wouldn't want it to be the same even after getting a new body.

[System: Well, sorry to burst your bubbles. You surely did get The Evil Evolution System, an evil generating one]

"What?!" he exclaimed as his worries caught up to him again.

As he was still grieving concerning his purpose in the world, he saw a hologram screen floating in front of him, reading his new details.

[The Evil Evolution System

Host Name: Aiden Smith

Career: Model, Actor

Race: Demon Level 0/500

Evil Contribution: 0%

Grade: Beginner

HP: 10/10

Strength: 10/10

Agility: 10/10

Stamina: 10/10


- Charisma (1/5)

- Physical Fitness (1/5)


- Disguise (Unknown Cooldown) - Allows you to conceal his demon appearance, blending in with humans.

- Allure (Cooldown: 30 minutes) - Temporarily charms others, making them more receptive.

-Compel (Used with Allure)-

Temporarily makes a person obey your orders. (Note: if it was used on a predator with high rank, the probability to work is low.

- Demonic Sense (Passive) - Grants heightened awareness of surroundings and potential dangers.]

[Host is changing…in progress. Done!]

A certain word on the screen captured his attention and momentarily made him silent for a while. After a few minutes passed, he scrambled up the bed to the mirror.

The mirror which the system explained to have contributed to his former body owner's death stood tall in the room.

"It seems they have changed it," he muttered as he remembered the lovely parent that was earlier in the room with him.

"But… what…is that!" He exclaimed as his eyes finally landed on the mirror.

Before him stood a figure that was far from human. His reflection showed a demon with piercing red eyes that seemed to glow like embers. His hair was a fiery red, messy and unkempt, framing his sharp features and pointed ears.

His facial structure was chiseled, with sharp cheekbones and a pointed chin. A pair of curved horns protruded from his forehead, giving him a menacing appearance.

His skin was a deep, pale complexion, resembling that of a vampire, but he was different, more than that. He was a demon, a creature from the depths of hell, and Aiden couldn't believe it was his own reflection!