CHAPTER 3 Mon Amour

  Kassandra's POV

  "I don't think this one will do…" I mumbled to myself while checking myself in front of the mirror. 

  I have been rummaging through my closet for maybe half an hour now to pick clothes that I can use to dress later tonight. I never thought that I will be going on a dinner date with my boyfriend's family tonight—unannounced.

  A heavy sigh escaped from my mouth before throwing myself on top of the bed.

  "Don't overdo it, babe. Relax." Montgomery's voice replayed inside my head. 

  Groaning, I sat back up, making a face. "Don't overdo, don't overdo it, yeah damn it," I mumbled annoyingly before picking my cream-cropped cardigan, white sleeveless top, and creamed trouser. 

  "This dinner is unannounced, I should not think too much," I mumbled to myself.

  While prepping myself, my phone vibrates so I grab it on top of my vanity mirror and saw Monty's message. He just reminded me that the dinner's going to be at 8 PM and he will be fetching me at 7:30 sharp.

  Ignoring his text, I curled the tip of my hair and applied some light makeup to at least look decent. As I faced my vanity mirror, I noticed something outside and creased my forehead while examining the spot through the reflection. I stood up to get a better look, and the sound of the busy street below was accompanied by a strange sensation. The white-chiffon curtain separating my balcony and bedroom flapped in the wind.

  My heart beats a little faster as I slowly walk toward the balcony. I am sure I have seen it right. There was a black figure standing on the corner of my balcony! I have seen in through the mirror and it did not stay that long, I am certain!

  "Who's that?!" I exclaimed, looking for something I can use for defense. 

  The pressure is heavy inside my room and the silence is killing me as well. I could go deaf right now, plus my loud heartbeat. This is making me crazy!

  I grab the closest vase on top of my bookshelf before I continue heading closer to the balcony. My hands are shaking while taking a leap of courage that is left inside me.

  "AH!" I screamed when a greyish-black cat jumps from above for I don't know where it came from. It looks up at me, its eyes are blue, and it gives me sharp looks. 

  I kind of shiver until it, 'meows'. 

  "Damn it, whose cat are you?!" I exclaimed, taking a foot outside the balcony to check if there is someone on the balcony from the upper floor but there is no one around there even. I check back down on the floor just to see the cat entering my room so I panic once again.

  "You see, little fur baby, I not into like uhm—" My eyes widened when it jumps to my bed, sniffing. "I am not into cats, so if you would be so kind…" 

  "Hey, cat! Shush!" I exclaimed, waving a piece of clothes to make it leave. The cat looks and stares at me and for I do not know what kind of reason, the hair on my nape stands up.

  "Meow." It mumbled once again before running outside the balcony. I shriek when it jumps down from the railings so I immediately run to check it down.

  "Jesus," I whispered once again, still checking down. "Where did it go?"

  My phone rang once again so despite my internal fiascos about that cat, I run back inside to pick Monty's call.

  "Hey, Love. I'm in the parking already."

  I cleared my throat after noticing that it went dry for the time being. I nod my head, scanning for my things. 

  "Will go down soon. Hold on." I mumbled, a little panicking.

  That cat. I haven't put on my mascara because of what happened. I pull my mascara stick to put curl my lashes a little before retouching my lipstick. 

  "I guess this look will do," I mumbled and turned around to grab my cardigan on top of my bed when I notice a black petal on my sheets.

  My head tilted while looking at the weird stuff on top of my bed. "Where is this coming from?" I talked to myself. 

  My phone rang once more so without wasting any more time, I left the bedroom with my handbag and cardigan. I ran along my unit and grab my two-inched heels before going outside.

  "Coming!" I exclaimed the moment I answered my phone.

  A chuckle escapes from my lips as soon as we enter my unit. Montgomery's lips trailed on my neck down to my collar bone which gives me the chills at the moment. I felt him smile while leaving traces before he looks up at me in the eyes. "Don't tease me next time or you'll be damned." There is a hint of warning in his tone but there is a smile on his lips and his eyes are glistening. 

  Monty moves away, now only holding me on my waist—encircling me in between him. 

  He gives me another peak on my lips. "Thank you for coming with me tonight." He mumbled.

  I smiled, leaning over to his chest as I rest my head there. "I was worried that she will find me disapproving."

  Monty laughed. "Why worry?"

  "Who knows she'll change her mind and make you marry someone she met from the countries she went to," I mumbled with pouting lips.

  He laughed this time, pulling me so that he can cup me on my cheeks. "Which one?" He kidded.

  I pouted more, moving away from him, and began to remove my sandals from my feet. "She kept saying that people from other countries were so kind and generous, started bragging that women there are all beauties and kind-hearted—all the whatnots. I was waiting for she'd say that 'I found a perfect pair for you—"

  I am being cut from what I am saying when he kisses me on my lips one more time. Monty pushes me a little until I found the back of my couch so I seated, feeling his kisses. He is passionately kissing me, deeper this time. I let go of my handbag and circle my arms around his nape. Before I could even close my eyes, Montgomery pull away this time.

  "As much as I wanted to do more tonight, I won't." He whispered and trust me, my heart leaps thousand times after hearing him say that.

  I move my face close to him, sliding the tip of our noses together. "I am so in love with you," I confessed. 

  The proud man chuckled. "I know."

  I groaned and move away from him. "Here you go again."

  He laughs and jumps down on the couch, watching me move around. I walk towards the kitchen while smiling to myself. 

  "I only have bottles of made coffee inside the fridge!" I exclaimed while scratching my eyebrow before looking behind only to see Montgomery down on the couch.

  My head tilted to the left as I walk towards him. A smile showed on my face seeing him peacefully sleeping. "You always sleep fast," I mumbled. 

  I tousle a few strands of his hair that falls on his forehead before I turn on my heel to where my bedroom is. The lights are still on just like the way I left them earlier and went straight to the closet to grab my spare comforter when I remember something.

  The black petal.

  I check on my bed and my heart began to race at the sight of a black rose on top of my bed and a card beside it. I cover my lips not just to hide my squeal but also to control it from trembling. My hand reaches for the small card and read what is written on it.

  'Mon Amour'