CHAPTER 7 Werewolves?! 

  Kassandra's POV

  I am on my way to my condo to pick up the flashdrive that has the video footage I discovered last week. My intrusive thoughts won earlier when I was deciding whether to show or not the video to the authorities. 

  Obviously, I picked the former.

  When I finally spat out my empty usual parking slot, an already parked car meters away abruptly moves roughly—turning on its ignition followed by a flashing light from the car's blinkers.

  I raise a hand to block my vision. "What in the world is the driver's problem?!" I exclaimed inside my car. 

  The car started making a loud noise once again. The bright light is hurting my eyes so I cautiously unlock my car to get out—ready to pick a fight when it began driving towards my direction.

  My eyes widen taking me all by surprise. 

  Even my lips couldn't move and my hands are still frozen on the side of the door, staring at the fast approaching car. 

  It's clear that the driver inside is planning to kill me!

  I could not move, completely distraught. 

  While I was just waiting for my end, a large furred animal jump out of nowhere. It landed on top of the car, making a loud screech as it attempts to stop the car from moving closer. 

  I let out a loud cry as I watched how a horrific animal growled while scratching the car's roof open. 

  "Oh my, God…" I mumbled through my shaking lips. 

  Despite the animal's urgent attempts to demolish the car's roof, the door just wearily opens. A man madly slides out from the car before he tries to attack the big animal. Yet to no avail, the animal tossed him first.

  I squeal when the man landed before my eyes. My car shakes because of the impact but what frightens me the most is the angry red eyes staring at me.

  He sardonically laughed, wiping the blood on the side of his lips. "You really are something, Rousseau."

  I quickly opened my car door in an attempt to get away from the scene, but the man still caught me.

  His grip is tight that it can leave a bruise on my wrist.

  "Let me go!" I cried out. 

  The wild animal groaned louder this time as it attacks the man one more time. I felt its fur brush over my skin a little as it pulls the man away from me. 

  "Fuck, this fight is unfair." The man murmured before it shifted into a black large furry animal.

  Dogs. These are large wild dogs! Oh my, God. 

  I could not believe my eyes how things happened quickly.

  I watch how the first animal lavishly kills the black one mercilessly with minimal efforts.

  What are they?!

  My eyes wandered around the place and stop when they land on a pair of blue eyes looking straight at where I stumbled.

  "N-No…" I mumbled.

  After leaving the black animal's lifeless corpse, it makes a gradual turn toward me.

  Afraid that it might kill me next, I hurriedly stand up and sprinted along the parking spaces in search of a closest escape. 

  "Go away!" I cried while desperately running away far from it. "Spare me! I didn't do anything wrong!" I added in between my sobs.

  "Please…" I whispered before a sniff escaped from my lips. 

  I saw the elevator a few meters so I check the animal behind me only to witness how it shifted into a human form. My legs stop moving so do my eyes widen. I thought I have seen the worse but what happened a few seconds ago is more terrifying.

  A pair of blue eyes found their way to mine once again. Its look is serious. The jaw is clenched while still heading towards my direction. 

  "What are you…?" I tried to speak.

  My eyes move down from his blue eyes down to his pursed lips. It is so defined and red. My gaze moves lower to his broad and toned chest, then to the line before his genitalia. His torso is composed and undeniably defined. 

  I could not help but sound a groan when my eyes caught a glimpse of his long resting shaft. My hiccup suddenly ruined the moment; that is when I realized how heat slowly travels from my spine down to my core. 

  "Enjoying the view, Honey?"


  A woman shows up with clothes on her hands. The man she called Clayden took the garments from her hold before he wear them as if no one is watching him slide them onto his naked body.

  Well, uhm, I am still looking at it though. Very rude. I mumbled inside my head.

  "Clean up the mess. Make sure to throw his remnants out of the border to warn other rogues." He commanded seriously so I look up back at his face only to see him still staring at me while wearing the rest of the garments.

  My throat dries, taking a step backward. 

  Fool! I should have just run away while he was busy! Stupid! Stupid!

  "You," he spoke, now referring to me. "Lend what you are hiding about us to me." 

  My eyes widen, infuriated. 

  Huh. So he is after that flashdrive. No wonder why his looks were furious while watching that video on the big screen during the summit. 

  I knew it! He was also that same man whom I met in the hallway earlier!

  What are these people called? Beasts? Werewolves?

  I blink my eyes at the idea. 

  Werewolves. They are real?!

  His steps double in my direction so I automatically run away. I pressed the 22nd floor before resting my back on the elevator wall while also watching him walk calmly in my direction.

  My breath was being held long not until it closes. 

  I fell on the floor, scared. 

  The moment I get inside my room, I go straight to my drawer where I hid the flashdrive. 

  I am about to pick up the telephone and ring someone when a loud thud comes from behind.
