CHAPTER 26 Kinky Way

  Kassandra's POV

  When I am about to enter the main entrance of the house, I am jolted on my spot when a growling wolf jumps from the patio to the pool deck. It shakes its body as if distressed then found its eyes on where I am standing. 

  My insides started to panic, thinking that this is another wolf attack but the soldiers on my side remained calm. I even saw them bow a little to where the black wolf is. 

  It growls again before entering the kitchen. 

  I called the first servant I saw near the entrance. "Is Clayden still in the kitchen?" 

  She nods her head while trembling which earned a snort from me. 

  Why are they scared of me? I am a human for god sake!

  "There is a wolf entered through the patio, who was it?" 

  The servant confusedly looks outside and then back to me. "I apologize, Madame, but I didn't notice that a wolf came." She trailed. "Would you mind if I check it in the kitchen—"