CHAPTER 45 Waking up Next to Him

  Kassandra's POV

  "Do you loathe me that much, Kassandra?" Clayden asked after minutes in silence.

  I look up at Clayden, who is just standing right in front of me.

  I shake my head. "I just can't understand, Clayden. I'm literally lost."

  "Thirty days," he sighed, "give me thirty days to make you realize and understand everything, Kassandra. I promise you; it'll be worthwhile. Let me fill your cup this time. If filling my own feels like a burden to you, then let me do it for you."

  "You already promised your Dad, right?"

  I blink twice while staring at Clayden. He is not smiling, but he is also not mad-looking.

  He looks sincere and scared at the same time.

  I nodded my head.

  "Whatever the results at the end, I want you to know that I truly am in love with you, Kassandra. Keep that in mind." He added before I felt his lips on my forehead.

  "I always do." He added in a whisper.

  And I closed my eyes.