CHAPTER 54 Ceased Fight

  Kassandra's POV

  "Thank you..." I whispered in the air as we sat on the grass facing the horizon. 

  The wind is blowing away his white-grey fur as his tail sits on a place behind him. I then pull the hem of my white dress downward to cover the skin on my legs. 

  Clayden is just silent next to me. Well, how can he talk in the first place? He's in his wolf form. 

  The earlier fight was intense. Herrion put up on a show, shifting after being provoked by Clayden. I swear, he was so different and uncontrollable when mad. 

  "Why are you so pressed? Because it's the truth? That your clan's next Alpha intrusive and brainless? Like you?" My horrendous face looks back at Clayden, who is seriously looking at the people across us. People around us are gasping at Clayden's sudden remark, nor Herrion. 

  I wanted to pull his hand and take him away from here, but my hands couldn't move!