CHAPTER 108 Letting go

  Clayden's POV

  The room was filled with a tranquil silence as I watched Kassandra's gentle breathing, her chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. She looked so peaceful in her slumber, her features softened by the warm glow of the afternoon sun. It was moments like these that made me realize just how blessed I was to have her back in my life.

  As my fingers traced the contours of her face, I couldn't help but let my gaze wander to her belly, the undeniable evidence of our love and union. A surge of emotions washed over me—joy, awe, and a hint of trepidation. The weight of responsibility settled on my shoulders as I contemplated the life growing inside her.

  With a mix of anticipation and nervousness, I leaned closer, my lips hovering just above her rounded abdomen. I whispered, my voice filled with love and reverence, "Little one, can you hear me? It's your father."