CHAPTER 11 A Striking Resemblance

  Solaine's POV

  I feel a deep sense of gratitude, but I am filled with apprehension at the thought of someone enduring such immense pain on my behalf.


  "Excuse me," a high-pitched, youthful voice abruptly interrupted me, slicing through the air like a sharp knife.

  "The beta beckoned you into the dimly lit chamber," she whispered, her voice barely audible. I met her gaze and silently acknowledged her words with a subtle nod of my head. She sauntered away, her graceful steps carrying her further from me. As she disappeared into the distance, I slowly pivoted my gaze towards Axel, my eyes locking onto his with a mix of curiosity and anticipation.


  "Shall I accompany you?" He cut me off mid-sentence, abruptly halting my flow of words.

  I vigorously shook my head. "It's just Denver. He's fine." I gently jogged his memory.