CHAPTER 20 Pretend to be Your Boyfriend

  Lottie's POV

  Ha! Alfie didn't refuse my flowers! Does that mean he doesn't hate me after all? As long as he doesn't hate me, I have hope!

  Excitedly, I hummed a song on my way home. I sat in the garden, happily eating cake, and checked Keith's social media on my phone.

  If you want to capture someone's heart, their friends are also important! And I have a feeling he could help me.

  At night, I suddenly received a message from Keith.

  "Are you serious about Alfie?"

  "Absolutely serious!" Even if I don't really love him, I really wanted to marry him. After all, I needed him to torture Lewis mentally every day.

  But why was Keith asking me this?

  I sent him a text about being hopelessly in love with Alfie. Of course, many of them were things Lewis had said to me before. So it seems being with him wasn't a complete waste of time.

  "Good! Then I've decided to help you pursue him."

  "You're such a good person."