CHAPTER 34 Priceless


  "Yeah, I must be losing my mind to agree to marry him, but it's my choice Maria. My choice." I replied.

  "You want to fake marry the playboy prince, to make Desmond jealous right? Because that's the only reason you would agree to this freakingly insane idea of a fake marriage."

  I nodded.

  "Yes, I agreed because I wanted to prove to Desmond that I had moved on from him and wasn't sulking in my room and hoping that he would realize his feelings and return to me.

  Besides, the asshole called me to meet him up at our favorite coffee shop, and do you know what that jerk told me?"

  Maria leaned closer to know.

  "The jerk said that he hopes I move on because he knows that I must be hoping that he would return to me. The asshole said that I shouldn't hope for it, because he was never gonna return to me and that I should move on. The son of bitch laughed and made gest of me that he knew I wouldn't have moved on from our relationship. Can you imagine the guts?"