CHAPTER 41 I Appreciate Your Concern


  "You're getting married?" Liam asked.

  I nodded and answered.


  "Oh… that's good to know, Anna. I'm happy for you." he said.

  "May I ask, who is the lucky guy?"

  I didn't know if I should reveal it even when I knew it was a fake engagement and marriage. But the plan was to make it as real as possible.

  "Um… David Craig." I revealed.

  "Wait… you're enagaged to be married to David Craig? Like the David Craig?" he asked.

  I nodded.


  "Like the playboy prince? You're getting married to the playboy prince?" he asked again.

  "Yeah… why?" I asked him as his expression on his face was confusing me.

  "You're asking me why. Hello! The playboy prince!"

  "Yeah, what's wrong with that?" I asked him.

  "Well Duh! He's a playboy and will never be a faithful type. I mean do you know how many times he's always on the news of him dating some famous female celebrity?" he said.