Entering the elevator to leave for the day, my mind went to Anna, she was fun to talk to and was kind of different from all the ladies I had been with.
She was principled and open minded about her feelings. I couldn't help but smile a little at my thought as the elevator descended.
I was so caught up in my thoughts that I barely noticed the elevator reach the ground floor. I stepped out into the parking lot and headed towards my car. I pressed the car button to unlock my car.
As I got into my car, my mind drifted back to Anna. I couldn't help but feel a bit of attraction to her. She was smart, funny, and just an all-around great person. And the way she was so open and honest about her feelings made her even more attractive to me.
But I knew I shouldn't get too attached. We were just business partners, after all. Besides, I was still not ready to let my heart go through what it went through in college.