CHAPTER 75 I Wanted to Talk to You


  I could sense that she wasn't comfortable with the words I said and I knew I needed to change it fast before she caught that I was already growing feelings for her.

  "Yeah…me too." she stammered back as she looked at me with a suspicious gaze.


  I cleared my throat and changed the subject. "So, the view really is spectacular, isn't it?" I asked, gesturing towards the ocean.

  "It really is," she agreed, her tone of voice shifting back to normal. "I've never seen anything like it before."

  I let out a sigh of relief. I had managed to recover from my earlier slip-up, and I was grateful that she hadn't pushed me on it. I wasn't sure if I was ready to talk about my feelings, and I was glad she hadn't pressed the issue.

  For a few minutes, we stood there in silence, just taking in the view. The moon was reflecting off the water, and it was like a scene from a movie. It was hard to believe that this was real life.