CHAPTER 90 Silent Dream

  Aurora's POV

  "Damm, I haven't been this speechless in a long time," I grumbled, pacing back and forth in the study, arms crossed. Edsel shot me a surprised look when he walked in.

  "I've never seen you lose your cool like this. I thought you always had everything under control," he said, sipping his tea and casually taking a seat.

  Edward's absolute trust in me meant that he didn't let today's events faze him. He even comforted me before heading off to smooth things over with the newly allied Alphas.

  But that didn't mean I wasn't responsible. I clenched my teeth. That sneaky jerk had meddled with my stuff right under my nose without me noticing. This is ridiculous!

  I turned to Blake. "Where's Chase right now?"

  Blake seemed caught off guard by my question. "He's temporarily in the pack's hospital. The doctors are looking into it."

  "Why are you suddenly asking about that?" Edsel raised an eyebrow, puzzled.