
  I watched Raleigh dash out of my office as if she thought I didn't see her leave. I knew she left. In fact, I'm pretty sure everyone else knew she left too. Their eyes didn't show it, but I could feel the atmosphere around Alexander calm down. His jaw loosened as if he were unwilling to reveal anything about Darius and David in front of Raleigh.

  I glared at him. "You do realize I barely have any time to be with my mate, right?" I snapped.

  Alexander shrugged. "You'll be able to see her later, Alpha. Heat is today, anyway." He said shortly.

  I froze. "That's what's today!?" I shouted, scrambling to look at my calendar.

  Valentin chuckled. "Yep. Today at six o'clock sharp. I've kept track." He said.

  Alexander gave him a weary look. "You keep track of heat? Why?"

  "So that I can be with Tara at the perfect time, perfect second, and not a moment too late," Valentin replied.