Cindy clicked her tongue. "'s nothing too big. Just some pack problems," she said. It was obvious, however, that she was fibbing. She, just like me, was a horrible liar.

  "Is that so?" I asked, smirking.

  Cindy pouted. "Maybe not..." she decided.

  I laughed, then quickly regretted it, another wash of pain spreading through my back. I grimaced. "Why? What's happening?"

  Cindy looked away, shoving another spoonful towards me. "I shouldn't say..."

  "Please? I am the Luna, after all. Shouldn't I know?"

  Cindy growled. "I hate when you use that card on me."

  I grinned. "So...?"

  Cindy chewed her lip. "Dhoom...he's declared war for the throne..."

  "What?! Why?" I blurted. I nearly spilled my food; I was so shocked. Already? What was it that Dhoom wants so desperately?"

  "He wants you to be his Queen. He wants your powers in his pup," a rough voice spoke from the doorway.

  Lucien and Conner walked slowly into the room, both of them with hard eyes.