A dark, imposing figure slouched on a bench by the slides, looking dull and tired. A shadow was cast over him, and many of the other wolves strayed away from him, or rather, his seemingly unpredictable temper. I approached Conner carefully. He didn't look up.

  "Hey, Conner. How have you been?" I asked slowly, dropping on the bench next to him.

  Conner took a swig of the green bottle that had been dangling from his limp arm. "I've been feeling like shit the past few days, Alpha. How have you been?" He snapped.

  I glared at him. "Hey, don't take your anger out on me, Conner," I warned.

  Conner took another swig. "I know, but can you blame me for being snappy, man? I've been crying for the past two weeks!" He tossed the empty bottle with a growl into the trash can, scowling.

  "You're right...I can't really blame you..." I murmured. "I know how hard it is to not have your mate with you..."