Chapter 2

  Lucien’ POV

I sighed, resting my palms flat on the two sides of my head.

I raked my fingers through my hair and squeezed the strands gently.

Twirling the stripe of blue hair between my pointer and middle,my eyes swiped over the cursive script again and the words tugged a worn smile on my face.Jasmine, my sister, was inviting me to Woodbridge High to visit the wolves in training and prepare them for their pack entry exams as well as complete the last of my inspections.

My wolf,Caspian, howled with delight at the news that our beloved younger sister wanted to see us again.Living almost six hours away, I hardly had time to see Jasmine, and Benedict was driving me crazy about his mate.

That, in addition to the stack of papers that continued to grow on my desk —being Alpha King, wasn't as easy as it sounded.I scanned the letter again, my golden eyes catching a bold name somewhere in the middle of the text.

I narrowed my eyes.Raleigh’s POVThat same name repeated in almost every one of Jasmine's letters.

I had heard of the girl frommy Beta female, Logan once too many times.

Apparently, they were best friends.

That was all Ireally cared about paying attention to.

I didn’t bother myself with humans.However, just the thought of Raleigh made my stomach tingle in delight.

I had never met thegirl in my life, yet Caspian seemed to enjoy looking at her name.

He'd make me spend hours justre-reading the parts about this girl...Raleigh Rivercrest.I pushed myself up from my office chair, stretching my limbs with a grunt.

I hoped I'd seeRaleigh when I went to visit Jasmine.

Maybe then her scent can talk some sense into Caspian.

Hekeeps claiming she's the one for us, but I put him down fast.

I'd rather not get my hopes up.

Andwith a teenage girl? Was she even of age?A duffel bag rested in the corner of my office.

Packed with a small gift for Jasmine and a fewemergency items, I slung the sack over my shoulder and made my way out of my house,rounding the packhouse as I did so.

Some pups were playing by the small playground, theirmothers waving to me.I took a second glance at the pups, or rather, two of them—Avery and his sister, Ananya.

Theyhad joined my pack a few years ago, found on the road abandoned, and I couldn't help but take aliking to the outspoken pup and his shy sister.

They reminded me of myself and Jasmine whenwe were younger…I would have stopped to talk to them, as Avery already had a reputation among the pups as achatterbox, but Jasmine would give me an earful if I was late.

She was like a carbon copy of ourmother, always ordering me around despite being younger than me.Since Drew was already in Woodbridge High, I left my Gamma, Conner, in charge.

Eventhough he was lower in status than Drew, I had no qualms about leaving the pack to him.

He wasjust as responsible as Drew was, maybe even a bit more.Admit it.

He is more responsible, Caspian sneered.Reaching for my keys, I shrugged.

Whatever you say, Caspian.

I’m not calling the shots until Ihave to.Spoilsport.I chuckled, shaking my head as I slipped into the sleek vehicle, closing the door behind me andreadying the engine.The drive to Rahway was long and quite boring.

Nobody but me had gone, so I was left to myown devices in the car while keeping my eyes on the never-ending highway.

I tried listening tomusic, but soon I got bored and began to play 'I Spy' with myself.

Caspian howled with laughterin my head, but honestly, I could’ve cared less.Soon, after I grew bored of the childish game, I let my thoughts wander aimlessly in my head.At some point, they all circled around the same bold name on the paper Jasmine had sent me:Raleigh.I snarled to myself, gripping the steering wheel tighter than I already had.

Who was this girl?Why was she so important? Why was she the only person I had been constantly thinking of thesepast days?Caspian tried to argue with me, but I shut him off quickly, drowning my thoughts with excitement as I reached the small town.

I didn't need him getting me excited for something thatcould only ever remain a fantasy.

Especially with an eighteen-year-old girl.Rahway was smaller than I expected it to be.

It had definitely changed from the last time I hadvisited.

Maybe living in a large pack had made me forget the life a simple town had to offer.I parked close to a small park by Rahway River and decided to do some exploring before I checked out Jasmine's school.

The sun gripped the horizon with its hot fingers, holding on astight as it could before the hours would pass and it would have to leave.Some of the dying rays reflected on my arm, making it look as though my tattoos wereglowing.

I glanced at the drawings inked on my skin, having to squint to see the scars scratchedunderneath.

One of them, my moon tattoo, symbolized my leadership as Alpha King of NorthAmerica.

On my cheek, a light blue moon and two white stars, my mate mark.

When I found mymate—if I found her—she'd bear my mark once I marked her.Gazing up at the sky, I sighed wistfully.

Almost everyone in my pack had a mate, everyoneexcept me, and a few teens and pups.

The void in my chest only grew deeper with every weddingpaper I had to sign.I strolled quietly through Rahway Park, stopping to admire the children playing by theplayground.

A mop of dark hair caught my eye by the toddler area and I smiled.

I knew theAlpha of Rahway, Greg.

He was playing with his daughter on the slides.

He saw me and wavedslightly, dusting his jeans and leaving her to play with her older sister.

I stayed in my spot as hejoined me."Alpha King," He acknowledged.

His hazel eyes were slightly hard, assessing me carefully.

"Iseverything alright? How are you?""I'm good, Greg.

And yes, everything is fine.

I'm just visiting Jasmine at her school," I answered.Greg grinned and led me to a small bench, sitting with a heavy sigh next to me.

His eyes meltedas if they were bars of chocolate."Jasmine invited you? Haven't seen her in a while? Have you, Lucien?" He asked, now knowing I meant no harm to his territory.I nodded.


She's been bugging me for the past few weeks to come over! Says she has someone for me to meet.

I mean, I had to go anyway.

School inspection and all."I didn’t mention the letters Jasmine sent, or the way I had been feeling for the name of a teenage girl I had never met.

I could feel my eyes grow hazy as I recalled Caspian's constant tracing, and Greg noticed, humming.He grinned; sharp, canine teeth visible enough for me to remember when Drew and I first foundhim.

"Any chance this 'someone' is a girl?" He teased.I growled, though I knew Greg knew I was only playing.

"Yes," I said shortly "And Caspian's been over the moon every time Jasmine mentions her.""What's her name?""Raleigh.""Raleigh? Isn't that the name of a place?""Yes.

North Carolina's capital.""Oh..." Greg remained quiet, and I turned to him."Do you know her?"Greg chewed his bottom lip as if debating his answer.I frowned.

He was chewing his lip; that meant he knew something, "Gregory," I growled, pulling my full name card.Greg sighed.


She's...something," he finally decided.I frowned.

"Something? Is she human?" I asked.Greg shrugged.

"I would like to think so? I don't make it a habit of giving a handshake to everyinhabitant of Rahway.

I have a file on her, but all I really know is that she lives in Alexia's homefor kids.

Currently, Alexia is trying to find an independent home for the girl, saying she’s too oldto be staying in a children’s home now, " he said.I frowned, feeling Caspian pacing restlessly in my head.

Irritated snarls echoed in my mind.

Is she not a werewolf? No, I don't think so, buddyI don't care.

I want to see her.You're being pretty restless these days, Caspian.

Are you sure you're alright?Yes, Caspian snapped, retreating to the back of my mind.I sighed, standing up.

Sometimes Caspian reminded me of a teenager.

A rebellious teenager.Greg hastily copied me, waiting for me as I brushed my jeans."I'd better be going," I said.

"Jasmine should probably be getting impatient by now." I paused,and Greg looked at me warily, waiting for me to continue.

"If I need any more info on Raleigh...?"He stayed silent for a moment, then with a deep, almost defeated exhale, nodded.

"Just comeover.

I'll look through her folder," he said.We shared one last nod and parted ways—Greg back to his girls, and me to the school right across the park.As I neared the building, I proudly looked up at Woodbridge High.

Built brick by brick, long and wide, my pack worked for a full year with the humans to make Woodbridge High possible.A large banner was draped over the front and the bright green lawn was cleanly shaven.I climbed the steps up to the office and pulled the metal ring on the door open, slipping inside tothe main office.

Luckily, nobody was there except Anastasia, one of my pack members, who nodded and smiled to me, bowing briefly before jerking her head to Jasmine's door.I reached for the door, opening it slightly and closing it behind me as I walked in.Jasmine was bent over her desk, flipping through the pages pale-yellow notebook in front of her.She had a somewhat maniacal grin on her lips, which made me wonder if I should just turn back and pretend, I was late.

The window was open, a strawberry and vanilla scent drifting to my nose.I inhaled loudly, (much louder than I intended) and Jasmine's head shot up comically, much tomy amusement."Gah! Ana, I—! Lucien!"She jumped from her seat, her mouth touching the corners of her ears as she rounded her table to give me a hug.I reciprocated warmly, though my mind was still on the sweet strawberry scent.

It made mehungry, but also restless.

Curious."How are you, bro?" She asked.I shrugged.

"As well as I can be.""And Caspian? How has he been?""Caspian's...okay.

He's been on edge ever since you invited us," I said.Jasmine raised a brown eyebrow, frowning.

"Why?"I shrugged again.

"I don't know.

He's taken a special interest in one of the girls you mentioned...?"Jasmine suddenly grinned.

"Oh! Do you mean Raleigh? Yeah, well, she's the only girl mentioned."I blushed, and Jasmine smiled."Speaking of, this is her notebook," she pointed me to the loopy cursive handwriting on thepage, and I took the book, gazing at the script intently."So, you say Caspian's taken to her?" She asked."Yes, as irritating as it is.

Now even I can't get my mind off her! And I've never even seen her!"Jasmine beamed.

"Maybe she's your mate," she said.I snorted.

"Yeah, right.

And I'm Cleopatra."Jasmine slapped my arm, glaring when all I gave her was a deadpan look.

"Men," she muttered."So, in denial.

Ever think why Caspian's so attracted to her? Her smell? Her writing? Her—!"She was cut off by a shy knock on the door, and through the thin cracks, a large blast of strawberry and vanilla hit my senses, almost knocking me unconscious.Jasmine shot me a look and smiled playfully, calling for whoever it was to come inside.

Once my eyes saw her, I knew she was mine.She was… beautiful.

Innocent, dark chocolate eyes looked hesitantly above thick eyelashes.

Herbangs, sharp and triangular, fell along her eyelids and brushed her eyelashes.

Her long hair kissed her waist, partly tied up and partly loose.She wasn't like other girls though.

Her face was round and soft, unlike the sharp, hard jaws most women I've met had.

She wasn't as skinny as them either, her stomach slightly soft, but not so much to push against the fabric of her shirt.She wore a white hoodie with short sleeves and a pink double-sided pocket.

On her brown legs,jean-shorts covered her most private parts from prying eyes.I couldn't help myself.

My eyes trailed over her exposed legs and arms, noting a few scars around her heel and under her knee-caps, as well as on her arms.

She walked with a slightly bent back, and her arms reached just above 90 degrees.

She was also breathing heavily, as if she was trying to catch her breath.Do you think… I couldn’t help the way my eyes widened as I took her in, unconsciously speaking to Caspian.That she’s like your mother? Probably, Caspian answered calmly.

She looks like she has the same disability.Muscular Dystrophy? But which kind? Exactly the same? I questioned.I would think so.

Like I said, she looks exactly like your mom, Caspian patiently answered, whichwas a bit shocking, considering how snappy he usually is.Her eyes roamed the room, stopping short on me before she looked at Jasmine, who was watching our exchange quietly.Is she your mate, Lucien? She questioned through the mind link.Yes.The girl gazed questioningly between us, before speaking, her voice a low, dry rasp."Sorry for bothering, Mrs.

Cortes, but I think I left my notebook here?" She asked, her gaze unfocused.I saw her slowly tilt her head up higher and higher, as if trying to gauge my height.

Caspian began howling in my head.Mate! Mate! Mate! He repeated over and over again, as if I already didn't know.

I watched her study me silently, her breathing soft and heavy.

My pupils widened at the dainty, breath-catchingsound and I turned to look at Jasmine, who was grinning at us."Raleigh, I believe I have yet to introduce you," she said, smirking and winking at me.My mind went blank and my jaw nearly dropped.

This was Raleigh?! God, she was so cute!Caspian was practically tearing in my head, begging me to let him out and giving me atremendous headache."This is Lucien, my older brother.

Lucien, this is Raleigh, the girl I've told you about over thephone."I smiled at Raleigh, who had a cute blush overtake her brown cheeks."Nice to meet you," she said, her voice softer than any other female's voice that I had met.I smiled at her.

"Nice to meet you too," I replied, gazing over her again.She leaned against the wall while waiting, her eyes flickering from picture to picture.

She wasn't afraid, which was surprising.

I've had many people cower underneath me when we first meet, but she stood her ground.Interesting..."Here you go!"Raleigh jumped, and I chuckled as Jasmine popped above her desk, grinning.

She snatched thenotebook out of Jasmine's hands, shaking and flushed."Thank you!" She squeaked, racing out of the office without a second glance towards me.I laughed quietly, reclining against the window as Jasmine closed the door.

Once locked, sheturned to me, eyes ablaze and mouth pressed in a thin line."She's your freaking mate!" She yelled.Well…that wasn’t the reaction I was expecting, I thought, rolling my eyes."Louder, Jasmine! I don't think the school heard you!" I snarled.

"Yes! She's my mate! What'sso wrong about that?!""I saw how you were looking at her, Lucien!" Jasmine said.

"You know she has a disability.""So?""Are you going to reject her now?"Jasmine's words were sharp and pained, as if she had already predicted my answer.

I guess thatwas what startled me the most.

Was it because of her disability that she was rejected? That wasit?"Are you sure you're Jasmine?" I asked, restoring to teasing to calm her.

"Because I'm pretty surethe Jasmine that's my sister, would know what my answer would be."That didn't faze her, though, and her steely demeanor remained.I sighed.

"No, Jasmine.

I'm not going to reject her.

Sure, we have a large age-gap and we are from different species, but I'm not going to reject her because she's disabled.

Only fools do that.They don't understand the worth of a person and judge them on their looks.

I want her in my life.She's my mate."Jasmine seemed taken aback at my words.

She was silent for a few moments.

Then, I sawsomething dribble down her cheek.A tear."Uh...Jazz?" I asked.She swallowed and smiled gently.

"Thank you," she murmured, worrying me even more.I walked up to her, putting both of my hands on her shoulders.

"What's wrong? Why are youthanking me?"Jasmine choked a laugh and her eyes glazed over.

I didn't know if she was crying or if her wolfwas talking to her.

Hopefully the latter.

I wasn’t very good at comforting crying people…unlessthey were my mate…which I suppose had yet to be seen."I'm thanking you for seeing what others can't see in her," she said softly."What do you mean?" I asked.

Caspian was growling in my head, but I didn't feel the need thathe felt.

I felt confused and slightly curious.Jasmine sighed.

" a very private girl, which some people here can't accept," she said."They feel that because she's disabled, they have to know everything about her, which makes her very uncomfortable.

She doesn't date, and I think that's either because of her low self-esteem or for the fact that she simply doesn't want to date.""Has Drew ever mentioned her?"Jasmine nodded.

"He's mentioned her once or twice, but that's only because of her vanilla scent.You aren't the only one that can smell it.

Logan's tried, but Raleigh always shuts her down." Shesighed.

"It's hard, you know, to know what she's thinking."I hummed, my heart beating in my ear.

Raleigh ignited a new type of curiosity in me, and instead of the sexual desire I felt when I used to sleep with women, I now felt a sense of responsibilityweigh down on me, a taste of what you had to go through to find love."I'll make sure that changes.

Starting today.