Chapter 5

  Raleigh’ POV

I don't remember what exactly took over me.

Maybe it was the soft, motherly voice in my head,but I felt my body relax in Lucien's arms as he carried me.

I cracked my eyes open, trying to peerpast his hulking frame to get a glimpse of where exactly an Alpha of a wolf pack lived.

Maybe aden? Cave?A little part of me was nervous.

I mean, I really just left my old life behind in favor of a man I knew little to nothing about.

Being my principal’s cousin and an Alpha didn’t change the factthat he could be a murderer or some serial rapist.

After all, he was a werewolf."Lucien?" I asked, the best I could since my throat was pressing against my chin.

I probablylooked so fat and ugly right now, and even though I wanted his attention, I also didn't want himto see me."Yes, Raleigh?" Lucien murmured, looking down at me.

His eyes reflected the dark glow of themoon, their gaze questioning."Where are we?" I asked."My house.""Where's Mrs.—Jasmine?""She's coming.