I stifled a laugh and Lucien shook his head, grinning his beautiful smile.
"I remember. You came to me in such a panic the week before your trip, asking me for tips and such. As if I knew anything!"
Greg scoffed. "Believe me, you did." He shot me a smile, and I returned it, if not, halfheartedly.
I bent my head to smell the wonderful delicacy of pasta underneath my mouth, so invested in Greg's story I hardly noticed that the food was done.
"How did you and Raleigh meet, if I may ask?" Tania asked, straining another smile.
I looked at Lucien, urging him to tell the story. He sighed, setting his steaming fork down.
"I had to visit Jasmine's school for my inspection—she was the last on my list. I met Raleigh there because she had left her notebook in my sister's office…?" Lucien raised his eyebrow and me and I blushed, shoveling some food into my mouth.
"It slipped from my backpack!" I defended, swallowing.