
  My breathing became shorter with each one of Lucien's powerful kisses. His hands had begun to travel, gripping my hips, my legs, anywhere he knew could make me squeak or moan. He licked my lips again, and this time, I let him in without hesitation. It seemed like his kisses could make me forget about how I looked, how I felt, how I acted, how I thought. All I could ever focus on was him, and the way he made me feel. He did them to make me forget, I knew, but how long would they last?

  It's because he loves you, Raleigh. He thinks making you forget about the pain will eliminate it, the voice in my head whispered.

  How do you know? I feel what I feel. Why does he think making me forget about it will eliminate it? I asked. I felt her smile.

  Because I know, dear. Trust me, and trust your mate. He'll keep you safe and love you for the rest of your life. She said.

  How do I know for sure? How do I know who to trust? I pleaded, getting desperate. Her voice was fading.