CHAPTER 14 Surprise?

  Wren's POV

  Because of what happened these past few days, I haven't been sleeping well. I woke up as soon as the sky brightened a bit.

  The birds outside were already chirping. I turned over on my side, away from the window. I closed my eyes again, ready to zone out for a while.

  But then I received a text message on my phone. I groaned in irritation. This has to be the second time this has happened to me. I was never going to get enough sleep.

  I picked up my phone, and it was the familiar, unfamiliar number again.

  "Are you awake?" the message read.

  I turned off my phone screen and closed my eyes again.

  But then, a few seconds later, he sent another message. "Why aren't you replying if you're awake?"

  He was annoying, so I took a deep breath. I was about to block him when another message came through.

  "If you block me, you won't know what I want to do next."

  I rubbed my temples and replied with a period.