CHAPTER 49 Remember Me

  Wren's POV

  After returning, Ralph tried to contact some members again, and although the number of people wasn't many in the end, it was enough compared to the first day.

  The next day, we arrived at the café again at the same time.

  Since the group was a bit too conspicuous, Ralph only brought a few members with him.

  Even though the café wasn't open today, there were eight or nine werewolves sitting in the corner, all of whom appeared to have responded to Corris' call.

  After greeting each other and introducing ourselves, Corris finally said, "We all know what we are here to discuss, so let’s get down to business. I will go first."

  Looking at me, Ralph, and Clover, she continued, "I saw Wheeler before the accident. He was already acting strange then. And his subsequent odd behavior was that he went to various stores and bought a lot of things."

  "Among these items were many that he wouldn't need or buy normally. Some were expensive, while others were cheap."