CHAPTER 9 Kidnapping

  Margaret's POV

  After switching between several rides, I had located two werewolves, one tall and one short. To confirm my suspicion, I intentionally chose the "Sky Flyer" ride, which had an extremely long queue. I noticed the two werewolves joining the queue after a few people.

  After nearly 40 minutes of waiting, when we were almost close to the ride, I put on a pained expression and held my stomach. "Ellie, my stomach hurts a bit."

  Ellie's excitement turned into concern. "Is it serious? I'll take you to see a doctor!"

  She hesitated as she looked at the ride above our heads, where laughter could be heard.

  "We finally made it..." Regret filled her tone.

  "It's not serious. You go play. By the time I come out of the bathroom, you'll probably be done. We can go to the next ride together."

  After struggling for a few seconds, she finally gave in to her desire to play.

  After I left the queue, the two people also left, following me at a distance.