CHAPTER 44 It's All Your Fault

  Margaret's POV

  The figure flashed through my mind too quickly for me to see his face clearly, but he looked very similar to Jacob in his outfit today.

  This had never happened before. Could it be because my health was deteriorating, causing me to start having these strange hallucinations?

  "Are you okay?" Jacob noticed acting strangely and immediately led me to a nearby chair, looking at me with concern.

  I shook my head. After confirming that I was okay, he took me to his reserved window seat.

  He helped me sit down first before taking his seat opposite me.

  "Scott's news." I said letting him know I didn't forget the real reason as to why I came here today.

  "Don't worry, let's eat first." He smiled.

  He casually snapped his fingers and the waiter started serving the dishes slowly.