CHAPTER 57 The Marking

  Jacob's POV

  This time I was stunned.

  "What did you say?" I suspected that I had somehow misheard her.

  Margaret turned around and looked at me. Through her bright and clear pupils, I saw myself with a slightly blank expression. She hugged my neck with both hands, and then leaned in close to my ear.

  "I said, let's mark each other." Her breath brushed my ear as she laughed quietly.

  I felt like all the blood in my body was rushing to my head. My wolf and I were both excited. It was clamoring for me to pounce on her and possess her as mine fiercely.

  "Margaret, you make me feel like I'm not man enough." I said as I lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around my torso and tightend her arms around my neck as I carried her towards the bedroom, kissing her along the way.