"Nalani, an amusement park Really?" Terran exclaimed the moment the driver stopped the car at the gates of the park. He wasn't amazed, nor was he fascinated, but I hadn't expected his reaction to be different; hence, I didn't let him know of our destination.


  A devilish grin smeared across my face as I happily alighted the car in my short mint-green flowery dress and my black heels. A square black purse was hung across my boobs.


  Last night, I thought our evening would be ruined after what happened at the restaurant, but it turned out to be the opposite. Terran proved me wrong and showed me new parts of him that I had never seen before.


  Eventually, I discarded what happened and concluded that I must have said it in my sleep. I do speak in my sleep; it used to be worse but has significantly reduced after my Nana made me attend various classes to curb my sleep talking.