CHAPTER 52 Mastermind Behind the Scenes

  Lucas's POV

  I pushed open the door to the office, and Jack was already waiting there.

  "Alpha, the threat letter that Olivia received before, the one that she received when Ava was was indeed sent from our Pack," he said.

  "And what about the other ones she got? Are they all from the same place?" I asked.


  I took a deep breath and swore internally. I had a good idea of who might be pulling the strings behind the scenes.

  The only person capable of doing such a terrible thing was him. So, it seemed that he planned to kidnap Ava and helped Emily threaten Olivia.

  "Okay, I got it. Is there anything else?" I asked.


  I turned around, ready to leave. But Jack suddenly spoke up, "Alpha, your tie..."

  "What about it?" I asked.

  He looked at my tie, hesitated, and said, "It seems a bit messy."

  I raised my eyebrows, and grinned, my mood suddenly improved a lot at the memory of Olivia being so close to me. "No, it's perfect."