CHAPTER 4 A Hard Bargain

  Elsie's POV

  Feeling defeated, I knew I had done everything I could to try and convince Theo Warren my intentions. It was clear that he wasn't going to be convinced that I wasn't a spy for Rory Roth anytime soon.

  "Fine," I exhaled "Thanks for the opportunity at least," I could feel myself deflating as my dreams were being ripped away from me in an instant.

  Taking one glance at Theo, his expression had not changed, his eyes burned into me while a wicked sneer shaped his lips. He said nothing as I left, the negative tension in the air felt uncomfortable. 

  What now? Do I go back to Rory with my tail between my legs? Or remain a rogue wolf.

  I left the Summer Pack house, and as I took the few steps which lead out of the large doorway, I saw Gracie playing on the lawn. In her hand, she gripped a bubble wand and I watched her blow the wand, giggling and dancing about as the bubbles danced in the air.

  "Elsie!" Gracie beamed as she saw me walking down the pathway "Did you do it? Did you win?" bouncing on the spot, her blonde curls moved with her. My heart ached, Gracie was so excited, I didn't want to break the news to her.

  Sinking to my knees, I met Gracie's eye level "I did win," I paused, trying to attempt a smile "But I'm not allowed to become a Summer Pack warrior, I'm sorry Gracie,"

  I watched as Gracie pouted and tears welled in her eyes "You didn't win? Are you leaving me Gracie?"

  These words cut through me, I had disappointed this little girl who had so much admiration for me "No Gracie, I'm not leaving you," I pointed to the pendant around her neck "Remember, this necklace connects us,"

  "But why are you leaving?" Gracie whined, "You won!"

  "Your Father decided I couldn't become a warrior," I tried to think of the simplest way to explain it to Gracie "He thinks I'm a bad person spying on him,"

  "Oh" Gracie frowned "Elsie you could never be bad" she fidgeted with the pendant between her fingertips "Want me to make Dad see?" she grinned cheekily.

  "No," I laughed "I have to go now Gracie" I leant in to hug her and she wrapped her arms around my neck "Be strong and keep training, little warrior,"

  Saying goodbye to Gracie hurt more than having to let go of my Warrior title, she was so pure and I hadn't intended on hurting her.

  I took a slow walk back to the Autumn Pack house, not really wanting to grovel to Rory, but I had nowhere else to go. It was then I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. 

  Pulling it out I read the text -

  "Elsie, come back to the Summer Pack house, we have something to talk about - Theo Warren,"

  As confusion filled me, I realised that Theo's texts were as blunt as he was in person. But intrigue got the better of me. Changing my direction, I made my way back to the Summer Pack.

  Arriving at the house, I made my way inside and was told to go into the dining room, so I headed that way. Entering the room, I saw Theo, Kai, and Oris sitting around a round table, their eyes fixed on me as I entered the room.

  Nerves struck me as their focus remained on me. I had never felt so intimidated, but I held my head high and stood over by the table. 

  "Take a seat," Theo spoke with command, so I eased the chair out from under the table next to Kai. He was leering at me again, which enhanced my discomfort.

  "Elsie!" Gracie called my name as she ran into the room, her arms swinging as she bounded up to me "You came back!"

  I noticed her eyes were red and puffy, as though she had been crying. Was that because of me leaving? Guilt stabbed me in the gut.

  "Gracie," Theo spoke to his daughter "Come here and be quiet, we need to talk to Elsie," He grabbed her by the waist and pulled the child onto the chair next to him.

  "What's going on?" I asked, my gaze meeting each person at the table.

  "Even though we cannot offer you a warrior position in the Summer Pack," Theo said as he swirled a glass of red wine between his grip "We wish to offer you another role within our Pack" a smirk formed on his lips.

  "Oh, I see," I felt myself become interested in this proposal, and I hung on to Theo's every word.

  "We want to offer you the position of being Gracie's new Nanny," Theo said with a smug tone before taking a sip of his wine.

  "What?" I cried as I questioned Theo's proposition "Nanny?!"

  Fury began to fill me, how dare he! How dare Theo Warren insult me in such a way. I wanted to be a warrior, not a babysitter! I wanted to fight against everything women were expected to be.

  That's it, I was going to let Theo know how ridiculous his proposition was by refusing it straight out. 

  'Elsie,' Ashe interrupted my thoughts 'Don't be so hasty in your decision', she said.

  'Are you joking?' I replied with disbelief 'We're warriors Ashe!'

  'What are your better options right now Elsie?' Ashe asked with a serious tone 'Either go back begging Rory, or become homeless. You have no home, and very little money,'

  Ashe had a point, but in my stubbornness, I didn't wish to give in so easily. I was here to prove that I'm strong, that I'm a fighter, and wouldn't bow to anyone, regardless of their position or social status.

  Rubbing my forehead, I tried to relax the pain which pounded inside my brain. This was a decision I couldn't take lightly. I had strong morals, which were now being questioned and tested. 

  My heart quickened as the brothers' eyes all focused on me, Gracie's smiling innocent face brightened as she awaited my answer.

  Digging deeper into my mind, past Ashe's thoughts, I tried to listen to both my heart and my head but they were pulling me in opposite directions.

  As the pressure built and pressed onto me, I had to make my decision.