CHAPTER 67 You Can Stay

  Theo's POV

  Shifting back into my human form, the taste of Rory's blood resided on my tongue. I tried to calm myself, my chest heaving as I steadied my quickened breath.

  "Fucker got away!" Kai grumbled as he stormed back into the house "I tried to chase him, but I lost him. He went into the woods I think," 

  "Shame," I replied as my voice rasped with the strain "I would have liked to have played with him tonight,"

  Kai nodded "Let's go catch up with him," a grin spread on his face "He's limping, should be easy!"

  Shaking my head, I couldn't care less about Rory at this moment. My main focus was Gracie, I needed to find her! 

  "I need to find Gracie first," I told Kai firmly "I want her safe in my arms, I'm beside myself with worry!"

  I watched Kai's expression fall flat, I could tell even though he was disappointed at my decision, he knew Gracie was our priority now.