Elsie's POV

  The rush was sensational, I felt a connection to everything around me. After taking in what Echo had taught me, I had started to learn to listen to my body and control my emotions. I used my love and hate to my advantage, which made me stronger, faster and more agile. I could feel my senses enhance as my abilities grew stronger.

  'We've got this Elsie' Ashe said to me as I lashed my fist against my opponent 'Duck, swing, he's coming for you! Be prepared to strike!'

  It was as though Ashe could predict my opponents moves, and I managed to dodge every one of them.

  'Now strike!' Ashe commanded, just catching my opponent between each move, managing to catch him while he was vulnerable for a millisecond 'That's it Elsie! No strike again! Get his legs!'

  But this connection I felt with my wolf, I hadn't felt it during my training at the Autumn Pack, or when I trained alone in the woods. It was a deeper level of a bond that had grown between us.