CHAPTER 94 Catching Elsie

  Rory's POV

  Alone in my office, I caught a familiar scent in the air, stronger than usual. Stepping over the corpse at my feet, I made my way over to the doorway.

  'What do you think?' Evander asked 'Do you think it's her?'

  'Oh it's definitely her,' I chuckled 'Beautiful, little delicious Elsie has come to visit us'

  'She's making my mouth water,' Evander replied 'I want to taste her,'

  'You and me both,' I replied with a feral grunt 'That sexy little bitch won't be leaving this time,'

  Leaving the study, I followed the delicious scent of Elsie as she infected my nose. Her scent was incredibly powerful, I could imagine her body wrapped around me as I inhaled her delicate smell.

  "Where are you babygirl?" I asked softly as I stalked down the hallway, following the trail "I can smell you, my delicious little treat,"