CHAPTER 21 The Opportunity

  Luke's POV

  I sat at the banquet table, looking at the food prepared for Elena and the flowers and candles that had been carefully arranged by the servants. I sighed heavily.

  "Why did Miss Elena leave?" Leo asked as he suddenly walked in, his face beaming with happiness, the sight of which irritated me for some reason.

  "Get out!" I snarled dangerously as he stopped in his tracks and his smile faded a little.

  "Okay, Alpha. It looks like you're feeling a little frustrated right now and clearly you have nowhere to vent. I'll come back a little later."

  "Why are you getting angry at Leo?"

  "Am I not allowed to be annoyed by his face occasionally?" Is there a law that says I can't dislike him?"

  "How about we find a woman know, get some of our frustration out with?"

  "No, I don't want anyone else. I only love Elena."