CHAPTER 28 Show Me

  Mature Content

  "I can be a monster too, you know."

  Her tongue clicked. With a daring look, she challenged me, "Then show me."

  She'll be regretting her words soon, I swore.

  This time around, I went right for her mounds. Round and full, their nipples were perked up, waiting for my mouth to devour them.

  "Your breasts are beautiful." Raggedly, I mumbled, tracing one of her nipples and watching her shiver underneath my touch.

  "Sensitive..." It was more to myself that I murmured than to her. And I wasn't lying. She was very sensitive when it came to her breasts.

  Keeping track of her eyes, I lowered my head, wrapping my mouth around one of her peaks while my hand massaged its twin.

  Slowly, I circled her nipple with my tongue, making Elissa moan so loud that anyone outside would have heard her.