CHAPTER 36 We're Different

  Ellissa's POV

  My heart raced as I realized he was about to mark me. I knew it was a dangerous and irreversible process, but I yearned for it with all my being. His breath was hot against my skin, and I could feel the vibrations of his growls reverberating through me. His scent filled my nostrils, and my wolf rejoiced at the prospect of being bound to him forever.

  But just as I thought he was going to sink his teeth into my flesh, he pulled back abruptly with a pained expression on his face. Confusion and hurt flooded through me, and I pushed him away.

  "What's wrong?" I demanded, my voice laced with frustration and anger.

  Eden's eyes were filled with sorrow as he looked at me. "I can't do it. It's too dangerous for you," he said quietly.

  I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "But why? Don't you love me enough to trust me with your mark?"