CHAPTER 86 Secret 

  Ellissa's POV

  Eden chuckled, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Old, huh? Well, my dear Ellissa, I may have many years behind me, but that only means I have a lifetime of experiences to share with you."

  I couldn't help but playfully pout, trying to hide the smile that tugged at the corners of my lips. "Oh, but you should have seen my young lecturers back in college. They were swoon-worthy, with chiseled jawlines and impeccable style. They made beings in a lecture hall much more exciting."

  Eden's eyebrows shot up in mock offense, a touch of jealousy glinting in his eyes. "Oh, really now? More handsome than me, huh? Maybe I should have a little chat with these young lecturers of yours."

  "You know I'm so old; you once called me your ancestors, right? But my looks are much better than guys younger than 20."