Elissa's POV

  Her laughter, warm and comforting, seemed to envelop me. "And I miss you too, child. But remember, I'm not truly gone. My guidance resides within you, a part of your very being."

  The sound of her voice brought back vivid memories of our conversations, our laughter, and the countless lessons she had imparted to me. I could feel her presence in the room, her aura a comforting embrace. I was glad she came back.

  "Do you recall what I always told you, Elissa?" Noona's voice interwove with my thoughts.

  A smile tugged at my lips. "Yes, Noona. You said that when I'm unsure, I should look within myself. The answers are there."

  "Exactly," she affirmed. "You have a strength within you that's immeasurable. Trust your instincts, for they are guided by a wisdom that transcends the ordinary."