CHAPTER 9 Half Demon, Half Dragon

  Blaze's POV

  I've been a 'guest' in this pack for the last couple of days now. I like it here, and I've bonded pretty well with my mate's twin brother. He is a hothead, but a really cool guy at the same time. We spent a lot of time together, which his mother does not seem to like so much. 

  After she dropped me on the ground that fateful day, the King asked her what she knew. Her eyes seemed far away for a couple of seconds, and then he swore like I'd never heard one do before. Color me impressed and intrigued. They didn't tell me anything, but the tension was almost visible between the two of them. 

  So, I've enjoyed the hospitality of the pack, but it's getting kinda old now. I want to go after my mate, and Loch has sworn that if they don't let me go soon, he'll raise all kinds of hellfire - or hellwater to be correct. He is even more impatient to find her.