CHAPTER 32 They Are Mine

  Amber's POV

  The darkness becomes almost suffocating, before it lessens within a second. The two girls are still clutching my legs, and when the darkness eases they flinch at the brightness of the sun in the sky. They bury their heads further into my legs, and I kneel beside them, taking them into my arms.

  I look up when I hear feet running on the ground, and watch as the guards, alarmed by my sudden presence on the packlands, surround me and the girls. Then one of them shifts back, and I recognize Maze's stunned face.

  "Amber? Is it really you?" He asks in disbelief.

  "Who else would I be brother?" I ask sarcastically, clutching the girls into my embrace. Some of the still shifted guards sniff the air and growl. I shoot them a seething stare, and as they see me their tails tuck between their legs of embarrassment.

  "Who do you have there, sister dear?" Maze asks, as he kneels down beside me.