CHAPTER 35 Welcome Home

  Amber's POV 

  I look between Chase and Blaze in a state of shock, anger, and sadness. The more I think about it, the angrier I get. 

  "Amer, breathe, little moon. We are okay. Chase and I are coming to terms with the situation, and we are all okay. Come, love, breathe, okay." I realize I've stopped breathing when Blaze's concerned voice cuts through my murderous thoughts.

  "Huh. Oh, sorry." 

  "Where were you right now? Your eyes were blazing with orange and your face became deadly pale." Chase asks, looking as concerned for me as Blaze sounded a second ago. 

  "Burning your dad to eternity with those two horrible women of his," I answer without regret. Both chuckle at my answer.

  "Fair enough, I guess," Chase says, before leaning forward and taking my hand. "But we need to get back before my... Our father tries something. We don't know where he is, or why he escaped - other than to not stand trial and be convicted. And we want you to go with us."