CHAPTER 91 A New Decree 

  Amber's POV

  We're up bright and early, when the twins awake just around dawn. I get up and bring them back to bed, where Chase and Blaze are still sleeping. When I get back in, both of them awake and then we just lie there for a little while, enjoying each other and peace and quiet. The events of yesterday playing in my mind, while Callum and Ashilia are babbling in their baby language. 

  When we decide to get up, Chase and Blaze take one of the little ones and get them ready, while I do me. I go to Melody and Elina's room, seeing if they are awake. They are, and their nannies are helping them to get ready for the day. They have to take care of their ponies before going to breakfast, and I tell them I'll go with them down to the stables where I'll look after Alsan this morning.