Freedom Or Doom!!!


  I was pacing back and forth like a maniac. It was my wedding day. And I had to try one more time to get away from that monster. After a few hours of plotting, I was finally ready to break free. I was ready to do whatever I could. I knew he would try and get his hands on me. But I was ready to fight him as well.

  I covered my head with the hijab and stepped out of the room. The maids were working in the kitchen. I made my way toward the main door. I opened the door and stepped out of the apartment. I made my way toward the elevator, praying for him not to come back until I would be able to escape.

  The elevator door opened and I jumped out of the elevator. I was able to get out of the apartment building. I stepped out on the road and looked around. I had no money on me, I didn't have my phone and I had no idea where I was. I started running, following the sun. I didn't want to get caught once again.