Mr Rutherford Jr


  What are you talking about, Natasha?" Agent Wolf asked in a low tone. I had tears in my eyes when I turned to look into his eyes.

  "J isn't just a conflict. We are protecting the wrong Rutherford here. It's not Angus Rutherford they are after. They are after Bryan, my husband." I replied as the panic started rising within me. Agent Wolf frowned and snatched that paper from me. He looked at the paper and his expressions started to change as well.

  While agent Wolf pulled his phone out of his pocket and began dialling a number, I unlocked the van and stepped out. My mind was suddenly blank and I couldn't think straight. At that moment, I just did whatever I thought was right.

  I pulled my badge out and showed it to one of the locals who were on a heavy bike. "I need to borrow your bike. It's an emergency." I shouted at the man who was on the bike. He looked at my badge once and he hopped off of the bike. He was terrified.