All of the sudden, Jabbar was concerned. He knew his guard well enough. And he knew there was no way his guard would come to him, disobeying his orders if there was no serious reason behind. "If that's the case, then send her in." Jabbar was irritated that Natasha was there to see him. He just didn't understand why. But with the tone his guard used, he knew something was just not right.

  Guard nodded his head and walked away. Natasha was standing at the far corner. Her face was buried in the corner of two walls and she was crying. The guard could hear her whimpering from afar while she tried to keep it quiet. The guard was well aware of how Natasha was. So he cleared his throat to get her attention.

  "Mr Malik is waiting for you inside." The guard spoke and walked back to his place. Natasha quickly wiped her tears and walked toward her father's office. She knocked and waited for her father to invite her in.