CHAPTER 72 He misses her

  Grace was sweating under Caesar's intense gaze, feeling the weight of his presence bearing down on her. Her thumping heart betrayed her, no matter how hard she tried to control herself. Caesar held the sides of her face, his touch both tender and possessive. His gaze softened and filled with love and yearning as he pulled her gently towards him, their eyes locked in an intense embrace.

  "Grace, after that night at my house, I wasn't myself," Caesar confessed, his voice filled with raw emotion. "I couldn't get you out of my mind. I realized how much I missed you, how much I yearned to be with you."

  Grace felt a dry lump form in her throat as she struggled to find the right words.

  "Caesar, it was a mistake," she stammered, her discomfort evident. "I would never allow you to touch me again." She regretted it the moment she got back to her senses. But Caesar's eyes bore into hers, unwavering.