CHAPTER 266 Heal Part 1


  "You can't be serious- she isn't even ruling!" I spat.

  Maya's eyes blazed, and she leaned right into me, grabbing my shirt with her swollen hand, but it wasn't her touch that made me want to shrink. It was the power I could feel gathering within her.

  Immense power.

  For the first time since I killed my father, there was a quiver of actual fear right behind my navel.

  "You listen to me, you pup," she hissed. "That woman was brought to you by God to show you the way- she is still learning, but when she stops having to overcome you, she's going to thrive and show all of you how this is done.

  "Don't pretend you don't know what I mean, because I see your heart, Casimir. And I know you see hers. You were smart enough once to surrender to the bond with her- now you need to be that smart again."

  I whined, but turned it into a growl. "She's betrayed me- at least in her heart. I can't give in to that-"