The school bell rang,Echoing through the deserted hall of Ranewood high.Outisde,the afternoon sun cast long shadows across the playground where a line basketball rolled lazily,Pushed by a gentle breeze.Inside only the bravest or the foolish dared to move.

My heart pounded as i crouched behind a row of lockers,clutching a broken desk,that appeared like a stick.The silence was deafening broken only by the movements of our feets.I glanced at others Mr.Alex our history teacher,My friends Ellis,Kaori,Ayan,Davis and Miu who luckily survived like me-All huddled together their faces pale and eyes widened with fear and astonishment.

Just two hours ago,We had been in history class,Discussing the fall of old rulers but now we were witnessing our own collapse.

A sudden thump from the ground came which made me freeze.I peered around the corner seeing nothing but empty playground.Another thump,this time louder came followed by a faint rustling sound.

"W-What was that" Whispered Ellis.

"Shh.."Mr.Alex hissed holding a finger to his lips "be quiet"

The rustling grew louder,My eyes darted at the ground.The dirtnear my feet began to shift,Small puffs of dust rising into the air,It was only noticeable by me.

Suddenly,A decayed claw-like hand burst through the ground scattering soil and pebbles.Miu's scream caught in her throat as she watched,Paralyzed with terror.

The hand emerged,followed by another and then another.Within a moment the playground was teeming with gnarled,dirt-covered hands emerging from ground.

"R-run" Mr.Alex shouted.Our group came in action and sprinted towards the hallway as more hands bursted through the ground taking anything within their grasps.

As I ran,My mind raced"How had it come to this?"

The question lingered as we ran towards a classroom in the hall-way,Slamming the doors shut behind us and blocking it with any heavy object we found in the classroom.

We finally caught our breadth,The safety of room doesn't felt relieving as the realisation came upon our mind that no place was truly safe.We thought infection spread through bites and scratches so we closed the doors and windows beleiving it would be safe.

But now,The ground itself is our enemy,My thoughts swirled as I looked at the pale and terrified faces around me understanding that our fight for survival is going to be tough as we can neither go outside the school campus due to the amass zombies rampaging the city more than compared to our school.

I leaned against the wall,My mind racing back to the events that had led to this nightmare.

{ FLASHBACK-Three Days Earlier}

It started slowly,with Whispers of strange illness spreading in our school,it was flu season,after all so anyone didn't paid much attention and thought it was just a new variant of flu.

D A Y 1; Principal Thomas's voice crackled over the intercom"We had reports of several flu outbreak in our school,If any staff or student is feeling unwell please visit the nurse's office and go home,As a result few students were sent home,complaining of headaches,nausea and dizziness.

D A Y 2; The next day cases of flu. Were increased and nurse's office got full.One of our classmates feeling dizzy fainted and fell in the cafeteria,The next time she opened her eyes,She was quite aggresive and his eyes were bloodshot but that incident was also neglected as a result of new symptoms from the new variant of flu and she was sent home.

D A Y 3; On third day means today everything was normal there were no more any cases of illness and as the last bell rang school ended smoothly.As we got out of school gate we saw a herd of people who were acting strange and were having sluggish moments on the road.They were killing other people by biting their neck or arms with their decayed jaw and tearing their flesh apartbut to the surprise of all killed people were not actually dying but turing into one of them.

Students panicked and screamed in terror which echoed through the road and caught the attention of those abnormal creatures.As soon as they saw us without any second thought they ran towards us,unexpectedely fast just like a predator.Many students were not able to move as they were paralyzed,Witnessing death of other people in front of them.

Those creatures were coming faster and faster towards us but.....