13. New devil teacher

  "Brother, why are you paying attention to him!" Ye Yunqi looked at the direction Ye Yu left with some disgust, and complained about Ye Fei's enthusiasm for him.

  "Haha..after all, he is the adopted son of the second uncle. The second uncle still thinks highly of him. Maybe the underground forces will be left to him, to take care of in the future. Why should we be against him?" Ye Fei doesn't want the second uncle to take care of him. He would be sad, so he gave Ye Yunqi some advice.

  Ye Yunqi sighed helplessly. Although she was still young, she also knew that the power of the Ye family might really be handed over to that annoying person in the future, because her brother was in really poor health, and she and rest are all women. This was what the second uncle had in mind when he adopted Ye Yu.

  Once again, it was very difficult to climb up to the fourth floor. Ye Fei wanted to skip today's class because they had a physical education class in the morning. Every physical education class was Ye Fei's nightmare.

Their physical education teacher was a very serious person. The first task of every P.E. class is to let all students run three laps around the playground, and no one is exempt.

One lap of the playground of Wanghai High School is more than 600 meters long, and after three laps, it is nearly 2,000 meters. Although there is no speed requirement, it is still an almost impossible task for Ye Fei.

Every time he runs down, it takes almost a whole class. Even so, he also has to rest for a long time afterwards to recover.

  When they arrived in the classroom, Lin Ling was already in her seat. Ye Fei found that his desk had been wiped clean. This was obviously done by Lin Ling.

Although she was always mean to Ye Fei on the surface and she always kept silent. Doing everything possible for him made Ye Fei feel that Lin Ling was more sensible than Ye Yunqi, who was more than a month older than her, but now Ye Yunqi also seems to have become more sensible.

  Perhaps because she still remembered what Ye Fei said yesterday, Lin Ling blushed when she saw him coming in. After he sat down, she ignored him and turned to talk to Ye Yunqi.

However, Ye Fei had gotten used to her ignoring him, so he took out his phone and continued reading the novel.

  The first class in the morning was Yu Wuxia's language class. She was still dressed the same as yesterday. Standing on the podium, her whole body seemed to be exuding a divine radiance.

Seeing her, Ye Fei didn't even want to read the novel. Throughout the whole class, his eyes almost never left Yu Wuxia's towering breasts. Seeing the pair of huge meatballs trembling gently inside the clothes with her movements, Ye Fei's heart also beat very fast, and he also remembered his eldest sister and the third sister.

He had really seen all his third sister body. She had a perfect shape and a great softness .

How would Yu Wuxia compare with her?

Thinking of this, Ye Fei's disobedient dick reacted again.

  Fortunately, the second period class was mathematics. The math teacher was a bald old man. Ye Fei was naturally not interested in him, so his dick calmed down quickly. This made Ye Fei feel lucky.

Their third period was physical education class, everyone will be going out by then. Although Ye Fei's dick rises very quickly, it disappears very slowly. If the second period is Yu Wuxia's class, then Ye Fei will definitely be full of swelling when he goes out. As it's too big, he will definitely make a fool of himself walking with a boner.

  During the third period of physical education class, Ye Fei and the rest of the class are all dressed in a short black pant and a white t-shirt . But Ye Fei and his class got a surprise.

They discovered that the serious middle-aged man who taught them physical education in the first year of high school disappeared and was replaced by a young woman in her twenties, and this woman she is a beauty of the same level as Yu Wuxia, with a figure as good as Yu Wuxia's, but her skin color is a bit heavy, a healthy wheat color.

  As the bell rang for the third period, everyone in Ye Fei's class stood in line in the usual order. The beautiful woman in sportswear came over. Under her pretty short pink hair, her beautiful face was full of charm.

  "I am Tang Rou, the new physical education teacher. From today on, I will lead your class's physical education class." The beauty introduced herself, her voice was clear, loud, and extremely pleasant.

"Pah* Pah*..."

Everyone in the class applauded desperately. This new teacher is not only beautiful, but also has such a gentle name. I think she must be easy to get along with.

The previous physical education teacher made them run 2000m every time. Two thousand meters, these pampered students are already fed up, hoping that things will turn around with this new teacher.

  But Tang Rou's next words made them feel that they are directly infront of a she-devil: "Let's start class now. First, run around the playground three times. For the ten people at the end, add one more lap!"

  The faces of the students suddenly turned bitter. Although the previous physical education teacher also asked him to run three laps, he did not limit the speed.

Ye Fei was even more miserable in his heart. He knew without even thinking that the last place would definitely be his. He had already had the urge to die after three laps, but if he added another lap, he would really be exhausted to death.

  Although they complained endlessly, because they didn't know the new teacher's temperament, no one dared to offend her easily, so they all start running.

  Ye Fei was almost the tallest in the class, but before he ran a hundred meters, he fell to the face. Although he was running, he was almost walking, but this was already his ultimate speed.

  Tang Rou looked at the students running in circles coldly. She had just arrived here and didn't know the status of each student, so when she saw the tallest man at the back, her beautiful eyebrows furrowed.

When they got together, she shouted loudly: "Run faster, that student at the end, you are so tall, but you ran at the end, don't you feel embarrassed?"

  Ye Fei secretly complained in his heart. He had tried his best to run . Why couldn't this teacher named Rou, whose only name gentle was not gentle at all ?

  Tang Rou saw that after she shouted, the other students had sped up a bit, but the tall boy was still so slow. She couldn't help but feel a little angry, and shouted again: "Hurry up, the last one, add three more laps!"

  Ye Fei staggered and almost fell to the ground. If he added three more laps, he would have to die?

However, Ye Fei refuses to admit defeat to anyone except his family. Three rounds is three rounds, I don't believe I can't complete!

  Ye Fei continued to run with his head down, hoping that this kind of overloaded exercise would have some effect on his body.

When he was in the military camp, because everyone knew about his physical condition, and because of his aunt's face, no one would force him to the kind of training other does, so his exercises there are all spontaneous, and he will stop when he reaches the limit. Maybe this new teacher's trick or these attitude will really work this time.